Bringing It Back Uptown

2024 VIP Ladies & Kids

VIP Ladies and Kids Social Aid and Pleasure Club hosted their twenty-first annual second line parade on Sunday, March 3, 2024. The theme of the parade was 21 Utopia 2024: Bringing It Back Uptown and did they ever bring it. Word on the street throughout the following week and beyond was, “VIP Ladies never miss.” A text message sent to the club by a parade goer the following Thursday read, “I can’t wait until VIP steps again. Y’all are still being talked about. The vibe was just there, ya know? Real powerful feeling.”

Bringing It Back Uptown

It was indeed. The natural high sent a buzz around the community that everyone could feel and vibe on the revelry for days to follow. It was undeniably joyous and beautiful for all who decided to come along and ride the wave. Videos and photos cast out across social media were extensive and far reaching. The cameras were out and people wanted to let others know they were there on this day.The alarm went off at 5:00 AM and the day began with makeup by Rocky and _____.

Stooges Brass Band &

Sporty's Brass Band

"These ladies put on a GREAT show every year"

The parade, dedicated to the memory of recently and dearly departed, Maryann Thompson, followed a special uptown route beginning at We Bleed Ink Tattoos on Magazine Street, passing up a scheduled stop at Tracey’s Original Irish Channel Bar in anticipation of a reopening after renovations, before the club members and a growing crowd made a right on Louisiana Avenue. The passing over St. Charles Avenue before turning left onto S. Saratoga Street where the streets were flooded winding through historic Central City regular annual stops at The Other Place, Sportsman’s Corner, and Silky’s Restaurant and Bar.

Maybe it was the blessing and prayer lead by Pastor Darby at 9:00 AM that set the tone The fog of the early morning lifted, and the sun came out on a parade day that looked like and had called for rain. Saturday there was rain and the Monday following the parade it stormed like a beast, but the clouds parted for VIP Sunday.

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